Rock Your Labour - HAMPER
The perfect gift bundle to set you up for an awesome labour! A great present for a mum-to-be.
The bundle includes:
The Birth Deck: 50 ways to support a woman in labour
Birth Companion Balls
Clary Sage Oil
Partum Panties (M or L)
Peri Bottle
Mama Tonic (Red Raspberry Leaf Tea)
Belly & Boob Oil
This bundle has a retail value of over $190!!
Credit Card Fees are high, and small businesses are feeling the effect. If you’d like to pay by bank transfer instead and avoid these fees, then please email me on to purchase your product/s and receive an invoice!
The perfect gift bundle to set you up for an awesome labour! A great present for a mum-to-be.
The bundle includes:
The Birth Deck: 50 ways to support a woman in labour
Birth Companion Balls
Clary Sage Oil
Partum Panties (M or L)
Peri Bottle
Mama Tonic (Red Raspberry Leaf Tea)
Belly & Boob Oil
This bundle has a retail value of over $190!!
Credit Card Fees are high, and small businesses are feeling the effect. If you’d like to pay by bank transfer instead and avoid these fees, then please email me on to purchase your product/s and receive an invoice!
The perfect gift bundle to set you up for an awesome labour! A great present for a mum-to-be.
The bundle includes:
The Birth Deck: 50 ways to support a woman in labour
Birth Companion Balls
Clary Sage Oil
Partum Panties (M or L)
Peri Bottle
Mama Tonic (Red Raspberry Leaf Tea)
Belly & Boob Oil
This bundle has a retail value of over $190!!
Credit Card Fees are high, and small businesses are feeling the effect. If you’d like to pay by bank transfer instead and avoid these fees, then please email me on to purchase your product/s and receive an invoice!
What’s in the Deck?
Techniques to Comfort the Mind
Hypnosis scripts, guided visualisations, words of encouragement and birth affirmations.
Support Techniques
All the odds and ends that make the biggest difference, from breathing patterns to breath mints.
Massage Techniques
Simple and powerful, massage is an easy way to help in labour - find the most useful techniques here!
Movement Suggestions
A selection of the best positions for a labouring woman, with clear instructions and illustrations.