Frequently asked questions.
How do your classes and workshops differ from those offered by the hospitals?
As Be Empowered Birth and Parenting Pty Ltd is not affiliated with a hospital, the topics covered are based on the current best evidence available and are designed to educate and empower you. In contrast, hospital-run classes are based around the individual hospital’s policies and aim to teach compliance with those policies. Unfortunately, many hospital policies around labour and birth are not evidence based, and are instead designed to make sure patients are compliant with their policies, regardless of their individual circumstances.
My classes are run in small groups, allowing for the information to be delivered in a more friendly, person-centred atmosphere. I run my classes to be casual and fun, with plenty of opportunities to ask questions as you are learning the many practical hands-on tools and techniques you will use throughout labour, birth and parenting.
Do I have to enrol for the entire series of classes or can I do individual classes?
I understand that everyone’s needs are different, and that you may not need or want all of the sessions offered in our series. Initial bookings are taken for full series places only, with any remaining spots released for individual class bookings 1 to 2 weeks prior to the start date.
What are the qualifications of the person teaching me or caring for me?
I am an Endorsed Midwife and have been practising midwifery since 2015. I received my Bachelor of Midwifery from Monash University in 2014 and completed my Prescribing for Midwives qualification in 2023, gaining my Endorsement in 2024. Since 2015 I have worked at a number of public and private hospitals across Victoria, in both metropolitan and regional settings. I am experienced in all areas of midwifery care, including antenatal, labour & birth and postnatal. I am also a childbirth educator and have extensive experience running adult education sessions.
Prior to my career in midwifery, I had a 10 year administrative career with a strong focus on workplace training. I have also worked as a peer educator in the University sector.
Do you offer any discounts for your classes?
A small discount is offered for Healthcare Card or Pension Card Holders as outlined in the Enrol Now section. Booking will need to be made by emailing us on info@beempoweredbirth.com.au and a copy of the Healthcare Card or Pension Card in the name of the person making the booking is required to be provided. Payment will be via bank transfer only.
Do you offer a Payment Plan for classes?
If you are enrolling for the entire series, a payment plan can be offered if needed. Payment Plan payments are only accepted via bank transfer. A $100 deposit is required upon booking, and regular payments must be made with all outstanding fees required to be paid at least 3 weeks before your first class date. To discuss a payment plan, please contact me on info@beempoweredbirth.com.au to make a booking.
Can I book a Private Class?
Absolutely! If you would prefer not to attend a group class, please contact me on info@beempoweredbirth.com.au to discuss your options. I am happy to tailor-make a class to suit your needs. Pricing will be dependent on your requirements.
Where are the classes run?
My classes run at the beautiful Kirra Photography’s studio in Traralgon, with the address sent upon enrolment.
Do you run classes remotely?
Currently, my classes are face-to-face, as this maximises learning and makes for a fun environment. A Zoom option is offered for private classes.
What happens if there is a Covid Lockdown or other restrictions when my class is scheduled to run?
If this happens, I will make every effort to reschedule the class to another session. If this is not possible, classes may be scheduled to run remotely via Zoom. While remote learning is not quite as awesome as in person learning, in these uncertain times I feel very strongly that it is definitely better than nothing! You will be contacted to discuss your options should this situation occur.
It says you may need to cancel the class as you are on call from a birth. What happens in this situation?
As I am a Private Midwife rather than hospital-employed, I am on call for women’s births. As you can imagine, birth is unpredictable! If a woman is labouring or birthing and I am unable to run a scheduled class or workshop I will make contact with you as soon as possible to notify you that the class is cancelled. I will then make every effort to reschedule the session for a time that is convenient for everyone, acknowledging that this is not always possible. If you are unable to make the rescheduled session you will be offered the opportunity to book into another class/workshop (if one is available) or a refund will be offered.
What is the Cancellation Policy for the Classes?
Cancellations made at least 3 weeks before the class is scheduled to run will receive a full refund. Cancellations made 1 to 3 weeks before the class is scheduled to run will receive a 50% refund unless your place can be taken by another attendee. Cancellations made less than 1 week before the class is scheduled to run will not receive a refund unless your place can be taken by another attendee. If, however, you birth your baby prior to completing your classes, a refund will be issued for the class/es you were unable to attend.
It says there needs to be a minimum number of bookings required for each class to run; what happens if you don’t reach those numbers?
If minimum numbers are not reached for a class, Be Empowered Birth & Parenting Pty Ltd reserves the right to cancel the class. If this occurs, you will be offered a full refund or the option to transfer to a class at a later date. Alternative options such as zoom may be offered at the discretion of Be Empowered Birth & Parenting Pty Ltd.
What payment methods do you accept?
Currently, payment is accepted by Credit Card via Stripe, or Bank Transfer. If wanting to pay via bank transfer, please email us at info@beempoweredbirth.com.au. An invoice will be sent to you within 2 days of making your booking with payment to be made by the due date stated on the invoice.
Is the cost of the class per person?
The cost covers the pregnant/birthing person and one support person. I encourage you to bring your support person along with you, as it is important for them to be educated and empowered as well! If you have more than one support person and would like them to also attend the class, please contact me on info@beempoweredbirth.com.au to discuss this.