A curated collection of pregnancy, labour and postpartum items for Gippsland Families
There are so many wonderful items available to help women and families through their pregnancy, labour, birth and postpartum journey. I have found it difficult for Gippsland women to access many of these items quickly, especially as they approach labour! I have curated a small collection of different items that I have personally found incredibly helpful for labour, birth and postpartum. Pick up is available at Baromi (near Mirboo North), at one of my Traralgon classes (limited & specific times only), or postage is available too at an additional cost.
Credit Card Fees are high, and small businesses are feeling the effect. If you’d like to pay by bank transfer instead and avoid these fees, then please email me on info@beempoweredbirth.com.au to purchase your product/s and receive an invoice!