My Philosophy
PLEASE NOTE: I am taking annual leave throughout the second half of April and all of May 2025, so will not be taking on any women due to birth in this time. If your “due date” is late June 2025 onwards then please reach out to me!
Hi! I’m Stacey, and I’m an Endorsed Midwife, working in private practise. My role as a private midwife is to work with pregnant women and their families, supporting them to make informed decisions throughout their pregnancy, labour, birth and postpartum journey. My care is tailored to your specific needs and designed to allow us to form a valuable relationship that is central to safe maternity care. I can care for you from the time you have a positive home pregnancy test until your baby is 6 weeks and 6 days old.
When you book in for care with me, you are investing in both your physical and mental health as well as the health of your baby. Your appointments with me are all held in a comfortable location, either at your home or in my non-medical clinic in Traralgon. Appointments are all at least a minimum of 1 hour in length, longer if required. There is no rush, which allows you to ask all of the questions you want and get the opportunity to learn along the way! I welcome the involvement of your partner/support person and any older children you may have.
As part of your care, I will discuss with you your options at each step of the way. Whether that’s “standard” bloods or scans, your options for labour and birth, or bigger decisions around induction or mode of birth. As part of this, I will provide you with accurate information explaining the benefits and risks of the options, alternatives available to you, and provide you with time to consider what is right for you. Once you have made an informed choice, it is my role to support you in your decision, whatever that may be! Sometimes this may mean care needs to be transferred to a different setting or to different care providers, however I will still be available to play a support role in the event this does occur and to provide postpartum care and support once your baby arrives.
I offer several different services. These include pregnancy and postpartum care only, homebirth and hospital birth support (non-medical), so there is something to suit everyone! If you are Medicare Eligible then all pregnancy and postpartum appointments will attract a Medicare Rebate and no referral is needed to access my care.
You can book in with me from your first positive pregnancy test at home! No need to see a GP to confirm your pregnancy or have an ultrasound or blood tests; these are all things I can organise with you directly.
Book a free zoom chat
A free zoom chat is a great place to start! It allows you to get to know me, what my experience is, how I work and whether I will be a good fit for you. You and your partner or support person can ask me your questions and see if booking in for care through me feels like the best path for you to take. All zoom calls are confidential and obligation free.
PLEASE NOTE: I am taking annual leave throughout the second half of April and all of May 2025, so will not be taking on any women due to birth in this time. If your “due date” is late June 2025 onwards, or before early April 2025 then please reach out to me!
Homebirth & Private Midwifery Services
Homebirth Services
For those wanting to birth at home, whether it’s your first or fifth baby! I will provide your pregnancy care either in my Traralgon clinic or in your home, with appointments lasting for a minimum of 1 hour. I will order any required pathology (blood tests, urine tests, swabs etc) and ultrasounds. Telehealth consultations are also available. Your appointments with me will attract a medicare rebate.
I will be on call for you throughout your pregnancy at any time, including for your birth. I will attend your labour and birth in your home and monitor and care for you and your baby. A second midwife will also be in attendance for the birth, as required by Australian law. Once your baby is born, I will visit as many times as you need for up to 6 weeks after birth (clinic visits also available for those who prefer). I will also provide breastfeeding support as needed throughout this time, both in person and via telehealth.
All fees for the birth attendance are due by 36 weeks gestation and are payable/non refundable even in the event of a fast labour/birth in which one or both midwives do not arrive prior to birth, or in the event hospital transfer is required. If I am attending another birth and am unable to attend your birth, a back-up midwife will be called to replace me.
If you have a valid healthcare card, please discuss payment plan options with me.
Hospital Birth Support
For those wanting to birth in a hospital setting, whether private or public, as an endorsed midwife I am able to provide all of your pregnancy care, including ordering any pathology and ultrasounds. Generally 1 or 2 appointments with your planned hospital will also happen. Medicare rebates apply.
I am able to attend your house when you are in early labour to offer support and accompany you to the hospital once you are ready to head in. In the hospital setting I am unable to act as a midwife and will be able to provide non-medical support only. I will be available for the length of your labour.
Once you and your baby are discharged home, I will provide all of your postpartum care for up to 6 weeks after birth.
Pregnancy & Postpartum Care
For those wishing to birth in their local hospital under the care of hospital midwives, but have the benefits of private midwifery care before and after birth.
Your appointments can be conducted in my Traralgon clinic or in your own home. Medicare rebates are applicable. 1 or 2 appointments with your booking hospital are generally recommended.
As an endorsed midwife, I can provide your pregnancy care, including ordering any tests or ultrasounds. Once you and your baby are discharged from the hospital, I can provide postpartum care for up to 6 weeks after birth visiting as often as you and your family need.